Today's sightings-return of the Green Sandpiper and wader chicks

Holden Tower

Avocet 4 pairs nesting-brood of 2 and brood of 3 being walked to TNP
Lapwing 43- Dumbles (post breeding flock gathering)
Bullfinch pair

Top New Piece (TNP) from Zeiss Hide

Avocet 10
Oystercatcher 2
Gadwall 6
Shoveler 6
Swift/Swallow and House Martin feeding over
Black-tailed Godwit 1

Decoy Wood/Canoe Trail

Cuckoo singing

South Lake

Black-tailed Godwit 30
Oystercatcher 6
Lapwing 4
Gadwall 74 (large increase, moulting flock)
Avocet 2
Shelduck- brood
Common Tern 1

Rushy Pen

Avocet- brood and nesting pairs
Shelduck- 30+ including two broods of 4 and 20
Oystercatcher-pair with a chick
Lapwing 2
Black-headed Gull 6 pairs

Shelduck family- image MJM

Shelduck brood, MJMcGill

Tack Piece- Robbie Garnett Hide

Lapwing 5 adult (brood of 3 chicks)
Avocet 2
Green Sandpiper 1 (1st returning bird)
Crane 3 GCP

Green Sandpiper-image M.J.McGill

Green Sandpiper, MJMcGill

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