New bus service launching this summer, with access to WWT Slimbridge. Find out more.

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Tw Unringed adult Cranes


Teal 96
Snipe 2
Shoveler 4
Lapwing 15
Goldfinch 12

Holden Tower and hides

Teal 176
Green Sandpiper 1
Spotted Redshank 4 (Robbie Garnett Hide)
Shoveler 2
Greylag 225
Buzzard 1
Peregrine 2
Curlew 44
Crane 12 including 2 unringed adults.
Reed Bunting 2
Balackcap 2

South Lake

Shoveler 24
Pochard 9
Lapwing 199
Redshank 18
Ruff 1
Black Tailed Godwit 53
Snipe 3
GBB Gull 1
Crane 1 ad and 2 juvs

Zeiss Hide

Teal 800
Wigeon 4
Lapwing 260
Golden Plover 32
Dunlin 98
Greenshank 1
Ruff 7
Snipe 11
Peregrine 1

Safaris 11.30 and 14.00

Whooper Swan flying north
Shelduck 176
Curlew 250
Redshank 1
Cranes 12
Cattle Egret 3 probably 4
Marsh Harrier 2
Buzzard 2
Kestrel 2
Wheatear 1
Meadow Pipit 150
Skylark 6
Reed Bunting 4



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