Two or three Garganey?
Two Garganey have been seen together on the Tack Piece with single birds seen in three different locations later, we may have three very mobile drakes on site.
Some great birding here today, two drake Garganey were together on the Tack Piece this morning. They may have parted company as a single drake was seen prior to this flying out of the Bottom New Piece to the Top New Piece, this bird was seen again later with one also on the Tack Piece and on the Rushy. The two drakes may just be very mobile but it seems likely that we have three on site. An immature Spoonbill has also been touring the reserve today.
Smart passage and waders included at least 29, but more likely 34 Black-tailed Godwit, these smart birds are touring the scrapes and have been seen on South Lake, Top New Piece and Rushy. For comparison a flock of 32 Bar-tailed Godwit and two Grey Plover were on the Severn just NE of Middle Point. The long-staying Green Sandpiper was in the grounds but moved to the Long Ground Pool.
Territorial waders have been rather obvious, pairs of Avocets are constantly moving between the Rushy, South Lake and Top New Piece, displaying Little-ringed Plovers have been on the Rushy and South Lake with regular sightings of the males conducting display flights in the airspace between the two sites. A few pairs of Redshank are on territory on the Top and Bottom New Piece with one bird feeding on the Rushy/Tack Piece. Lapwing continue to incubate eggs on the Dumbles with territorial birds on Top and Bottom New Piece and a few sites elsewhere on the Reserve. Oystercatchers are holding territory on the Rushy, two pairs on the South Lake hides, on the roof, Big Pen/Decoy, Top New Piece and a few pairs in the Grounds, other pairs remain on the estuary.
A few Yellow Wagtail have gone over today, one dropped in to the Rushy, a cock Wheatear was along the Dumbles seawall with three Common Whitethroat seen today, one near pond zone in the Decoy and another near Estuary Tower.Brief snatches of reeling Grasshopper Warbler were heard from the ditch at the North end of the Top New Piece and one reported near South Lake Discovery Hide. A Red Kite flew through late morning. Two Snipe were on the Tack Piece scrape. At least three Willow Warbler sang from the Decoy area.
Some winter wildfowl remain with at least 24 Wigeon (7 on Tack Piece), 59 Teal, we always hope a pair remain to breed. 20 male and 14 female Shoveler were counted today.
Grey Herons and Little Egrets have been moving about the reserve to feed in any area where water levels have dropped due to the drought. Two Grey Herons have been rather photogenic using the Caribbean Pen pond and Duck Decoy trees.