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Unseasonal Garganey and a Goosander

Estuary Tower

Two Dark-bellied Brent (adult and a juvenile) on the foreshore, Peregrine + 143 Pintail (Severn), 355 Curlew, 53 GBB Gull, 230 Wigeon on the scrape and 150 on the Severn over high tide.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

At least 81 Bewick's Swans at dawn with six overflying and 4 on Tack Piece. The usual gathering of ducks but a female Goosander flew over heading SSW at 1029hrs.

Top New Piece

At least two probably three unseasonal Garganey spotted among the flock of 900 Teal, 38 Pintail, 220 Wigeon, 800 Dunlin, 500+ Black-tailed Godwit, 300 Lapwing, 19 Russian White-fronted Geese with Greylag Geese. Water Rail calling.

Bottom New Piece

Seven Russian White-fronted Geese, the Lesser White-fronted Goose and Barnacle x Greylag with the Canada Goose flock, 4 Bewick's Swans called in.

Tack Piece

A Little Stint visited a couple of times between Peregrine attacks on the waders prior to 1230hrs + 700 Golden Plover and 500 Lapwing settled for a time. Pink-footed Goose and three Russian White-fronted Geese with Canada Geese. Curlew flocks began arriving to feed this afternoon.

South Lake

A flock of 22 Avocet fed here (plus 6 on the Rushy at dawn). Female Goldeneye on the deep section, it was so windy that the ducks sheltering here were in the far SE corner.


Siskins were touring the alder trees and and a drake Goldeneye was with the collection birds.

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