Unwanted guests for breakfast

One of our Peregrines caught breakfast this morning, but was soon joined by two unwelcome dining companions

One of our Peregrines caught breakfast this morning on the Tack Piece, but was soon joined by two unwelcome dining companions - Carrion Crows. The Peregrine eventually flew off with its kill to try and find somewhere to feed in peace, putting all the ducks and waders up again in to an aerial display.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Along with the two Peregrines hunting this morning birds on the Tack Piece included 96 Curlew, 213 Pintail, 24 Redshank, 20 Ruff, two Cranes, plus thousands of duck, Lapwing, Dunlin and Golden Plover. Several of our Bewick's Swans also moved out to the field to graze for the day after the morning feed in the Rushy.

Willow Hide
A Water Rail was again under the feeders this morning.

Rushy Hide
A total of 75 Bewick's Swans were on site this morning with some already heading inland to feed for the day near Slimbridge village. Also of note this morning were two Great Egret who flew over the Rushy after leaving the roost in Decoy, and headed north.

An update from yesterday's sightings included at least six Cattle Egret and four Little Egret feeding in the field next to the Tudor Arms pub, just before you cross the canal bridge to access the reserve.

The Spoonbill was also seen out on the estuary from the Estuary Tower, and the White-fronted Geese spent most of the day in the Ox Piece, the field immediately north of the Tack Piece. Some of the flock moved closer to the hide around lunchtime for their routine drink and bathe.

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