Velvet Scoter on the river
We've had a reliable report of a Velvet Scoter seen in flight with two Common Scoter on the river at 10:30am.
We've had a reliable report of a Velvet Scoter seen in flight with two Common Scoter on the river at 10:30am. The three birds flew downriver towards Purton and were lost to view. The tide will be high (but only 5.7m) at around 5pm, so the tide will start rising from around 3pm. We hope the birds will get pushed up the estuary again as the water comes in.
Decoy Hide
Two pairs of Mandarin were on the pond this morning, along with an adult Little Grebe busy feeding its growing chick. Also noted were 5 Gadwall, four Tufted Duck and a single Teal.
Zeiss Hide
A single Garganey was with the Teal, with 203 counted of the latter. Other duck included 65 Gadwall, eight Shoveler and three Wigeon. With the lower tides the number of waders present has dropped off but this morning included 30 Lapwing, five Ruff, 24 Black-tailed Godwit and an adult and juvenile Avocet. A Water Rail was also seen.
Rushy Hide
Two Snipe were noted this morning along with a single Green Sandpiper and 36 Teal.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Relatively quiet this morning with only 17 Teal of note. The walkway is busy with warblers including both Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff singing.
Knott Hide
A Lesser Whitethroat and Reed Warbler were noted this morning in the hedgerow. Later the Great (White) Egret returned to the Pillbox Pool and was showing well. Photo above by our Guide in the Hide Lisa from Monday.
Estuary Tower
Three drake Gadwall were showing off to a single female this morning. Also counted were 20 Greylag, 18 Mallard and four Mute Swan.
Summer Walkway / Middle Point
The aforementioned Velvet Scoter was seen with two Common Scoter on the river at 10:30am per D. Creber - in flight one had 'big white wing bars'. The birds flew downriver towards Purton and were lost to view.
South Lake
The wader scrape held a single Avocet, 175 Black-tailed Godwit, nine Ruff and a single Snipe. The Spotted Redshank was also present with eight Redshank plus a Green Sandpiper and a Common Sandpiper. The Lapwing flock contained 54 birds. One of the largest counts of Greylag we've had was taken this morning - 590 birds in all! Other wildfowl included 19 Gadwall, seven Shoveler, 22 Tufted Duck, a single Pochard and 41 Teal. The adult Great Crested Grebe was also noted.