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Image- Shelduck on Bottom New Piece willow pollards- MJM

The VizMig (visible migration) was notable today, a number of species were recorded moving through the reserve or up the Severn or stopping off to rest, read on for details.

Estuary Tower

A Swift NE, a Yellow Wagtail S, 10 Redpoll headed N, a male Wheatear was on the Dumbles cross fence, 2 Curlew, 2 Whimbrel, 3 Redshank and Dunlin were feeding on the Dumbles with c20 of latter flying over the foreshore at high tide. A Woodlark flew low over the tower calling and dropped onto the Summer Walkway path briefly before heading NE again, a drake Red -breasted Merganser upriver, 10 Curlew and 17 Bar-tailed Godwit NE (23 of latter returned to foreshore over tide). A flock of 100 of the latter were feeding on the estuary at low tide.

South Lake

A pair of Little-ringed Plover, five Mediterranean Gulls (adult n/b, three 3cy, one 2cy), Spotted Redshank from Hogarth Hide, it favours the Duck Marsh plus 4 Oystercatcher, 54 Black-tailed Godwit, a few Avocets, 200 Black-headed Gulls.

Top New Piece

Greenshank and Redshank, nesting Crane, 3 Great Egret over NE to Long Ground, Lapwing, 3 Avocet+ pairs Shoveler, Teal and Shelduck, singing Reed Warbler.

Bottom New Piece

A further two Great Egret flew NE, also Lapwing, Redshank and Marsh Harrier.

Kingfisher Hide

Male and female Kingfisher mobile along the ditches and channels.

Tack Piece

Three drake Wigeon plus Shoveler, Teal, Gadwall and Shelduck and the Canada, Barnacle and Greylag Geese, a pair of Curlew present early morning. Two escaped/released Black Swans are still on site.


Reed and Sedge Warbler and Chiffchaff and Blackcap are numerous about the site now, all suitable habitat is holding these birds as they settle to breed. Skylark and Meadow Pipits are easily found on the Dumbles/Middle Point area.

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