Wader action continuing
Flocks of waders are continuing to come in to the Top New Piece, despite the falling tides
Flocks of waders are continuing to come in to the Top New Piece, despite the falling tides and mud shelf being left exposed on the river as alternative places for them to roost. Head to the Zeiss Hide to catch up with the best action.
Zeiss Hide
A single Curlew Sandpiper was preening amongst the Lapwing and Teal this morning at the southern end of the Top New Piece. Also across the area were three Spotted Redshank (one juvenile), two juvenile Little Stint, 55 Dunlin, a Green Sandpiper, 21 Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Ruff (five juveniles), 15 Shoveler, two Pintail, 323 Teal, 57 Lapwing, and five Avocet were roosting on the southern island. A Grey Heron was opposite the Van de Bovenkamp Hide.
Robbie Garnett Hide
Three adult Spotted Redshank were on the Tack Piece mid-morning, with a single adult remaining on the Top New Piece - so at least five birds present today when adding in the juvenile. Also on the Tack Piece were 380 Teal, 24 Wigeon, five Black-tailed Godwit, a Ruff and 12 Snipe.
Rushy Hide
The lower pond held seven Redshank, 11 Snipe, 47 Black-tailed Godwit, an Avocet and two Wigeon.
Kingfisher Hide
Seven Ruff were with a flock of 73 Lapwing in the Four Score (arable field) this morning, and when flushed by a passing Buzzard at least 12 Skylark also lifted. A Jay was along the hedgerow, and 19 Gadwall and a Wigeon were on the newly opened up channel. Two Water Rail were calling in the reedbed close to the hide.