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Waders and winter waterfowl.

South Lake

Greylag 400+
Shoveler 19
Gadwall 23
Teal 115
Tufted Duck 17
Cormorant 8
Lapwing 28
Little Ringed Plover 1
Black Tailed Godwit 308 roosting birds.
Ruff 8
Redshank 38
Snipe 1.


Greylag 34
Gadwall 30 feeding on algae.
Teal 69
Little Egret 1
Black Tailed Godwit 3
Green Sandpiper 2
Snipe 2
Grey Wagtail 1.

Tack Piece

Whinchat 3 on thistles a Kestrel and Blackcap, Willow Warbler Chiffchaff Cettis and Whitethroat along walkway.

Summer Walkway

Redstart along the hedge.
Whinchat and Wheatear on the midpoint fence.
Yellow Wagtail 3 among the cattle.
A massive flock of around 300 Sand Martins and 100 Swallow feeding over the estuary.
A spoonbill and 15 Little Egret pushed up to roost by the high tide.
Shelduck, a big count of 268 still seemed to be mostly juvenile birds with no big influx of adults returning from their moult migration yet.
Curlew easier to count on the high tide at least 280 birds present.

Zeiss Hide

Barnacle Goose 140, Canade 160 with 2 pure Bar Heads (not WWT birds) and 3 hybrids among them.
Ducks starting to look good, my first Pintail (10), Wigeon 4 Teal 379 a single Garganey and Shoveler 21.
Waders came in briefly at high tide with Ringed Plover 65, Dunlin 136, Sanderling 2 and Curlew Sandpiper 2.
Already in the scrape were Lapwing 74, Black tailed Godwit 6, Ruff 6, Avocet 32 and Greenshank 7.
Whinchat yet another at the back of the field and Cettis singing close to the hide.

Kingfisher Hide

Great views of 12 Cranes feeding in the stubble field.

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