Waders on high alert
The weekend of 1-2 February has been very good for wader watching, we haven't got the really high numbers of some recent winters but it has been impressive nonetheless. The Tack Piece, Estuary Tower and Kingfisher Hide have been the best spots to see large flocks today. Additionally, looking towards the northern part of the reserve has been a worthwhile tactic as Marsh Harrier and Peregrine have keeping the flocks on high alert.
Highlights and general news follow
Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory
We are still hosting around 90 Bewick's Swans at the roost site, varying numbers of duck come and go. A pair of Oystercatcher have been seen daily as well as the Lapwing flocks. A Sparrowhawk flushed the Snipe from here this morning.
Martin Smith Hide
At least 12 Snipe present on the cut rush islands yesterday.
Tack Piece
Pretty busy with 1460 Golden Plover dropping in over midday yesterday, this included a bird in full breeding plumage. The Black-tailed Godwits have also joined the flocks of Curlew, Lapwing and Dunlin with a decent gathering of 33 Redshank and 21 Ruff in the mornings at least. The godwits have a number of breeding plumage birds among them. The majority of the Bewick's Swan herd also spent the daytime here.
Estuary Tower
Some of the Russian White-fronted Geese could be seen in the Ox Piece but many are sheltering from the wind behind the hedge and out of view for long periods, presumably the Pink-footed Geese are with them. A young Peregrine was making a nuisance of itself and even had a go at a Shelduck. The usual gathering of Canada and Barnacle Geese had the Bar-headed Goose for company.
South Lake
The Cattle Egret turned up on Sunday after being missing on Saturday, it favoured the duck marsh so better views were had from the Hogarth Hide. The 4 Avocets were present all weekend with ever changing numbers of Black-tailed Godwit, the latter commuting to the fields to feed. Small numbers of Shoveler and Teal were on the wader scrape with a pair of Pintail.
Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece
Around 120 Wigeon and 240 Teal were present on Sunday , the Green-winged teal was seen on Saturday but no reports came in on Sunday.