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Warbler fest


A good scattering of warblers around the site today. Always good when your day starts with a Garden Warbler, also Lesser whitethroat, blackcap willow sedge reed and lots of chiffchaff. Good spots to search are Knott hide, decoy and car park.

South Lake

Black wits 242 including winter and summer adult and juveniles.
Redshank 32 only one juv among them.
Ruff 7 all adults and only 1 female.
Little ringed plover 2ad and 2 juvs.
a scattering of gadwall and shoveler and some sand martin over the lake.

High Tide and estuary

Arctic tern 2, grey plover 2, hobby 1, distant flock of small waders (around 150) at least 156 Curlew, 121 barnacle geese, 4 GBB gulls, 12 little egrets and a spoonbill. Swallows and martins heading south.

Zeiss Hide

Grey Heron 3, curlew 1, black tailed godwit 26, teal 110, lapwing 70,ruff 2, avocet 32,ringed plover 21,knot 2, greenshank 3, redshank 1, dunlin 134, turnstone 1. Roe deer 2adults and a fawn.


Green sandpiper 2, black Tailed godwit 1 and teal 43.

Tack Piece

Teal 29, yellow wagtail at least 3 among cattle.

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