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W/E 17th April summary

A cracking spring week with temperatures up to 24 c but cold nights with a touch of frost.

Martin and Dave still on site supporting the living collection team and looking after the infrastructure of the site especially fences and water. Cattle will be back onto the reserve next week so lots of rushed fencing jobs before they arrive.

Big Tides

Big tides flooded the Dumbles and foreshore on the 8th and 9th. The whole area looked great with big flocks of Godwits, Avocets and several Oystercatchers. The only small waders was a small group of Ringed Plover and Dunlin. particularly rewarding to see total acceptance of the new Estuary Tower.


Less than 20 Wigeon, 8 Pintail and 170 Teal. The long staying female Goldeneye is still present to 16th at least, it has been favouring the Long Ground but has also been in the Big pen. At least 20 female Shoveler and 50 female Tufted Duck on site which could be a reflection of our local breeding population, it might still be a little early to call this.


Several pairs attempting to breed around the site, at least 12 birds around including an unringed bird.


Female display flight and bubbling over Dumbles on 13th, hopefully they will settle after the flood. Nest scraping by the male noted on 14th, pair still on territory by 16th with 2 females also present on the latter date.

Little-ringed Plover

Pair still moving about between SL and the Rushy, cage placed over nest scrape on 15th and the pair were in the cage still scraping on 16th.


Sitting females 50 Acre (2), and Top and Bottom New Piece (4), males also holding territory on the Dumbles and 100 Acre. Increase in activity on the Dumbles on 15th and 16th, at least 7 females visiting 17 males, lots of mating, nest scraping.


Pair in BNP, three pairs TNP, 4 pairs 100 Acre, pair on Tack Piece + spare.

Black-tailed Godwits

Still a flock of 170+ birds around by the end of the week.


Some nest scraping but none incubating as yet.


100+ birds roaming the site, none have settled to lay eggs unless they’ve lost the first egg. A Carrion Crow was watched trying to raid the Dumbles colony on 16th, it was immediately attacked by 12 pairs.


No change, both pairs still incubating, South Finger birds should be hatching soon.

Spring Migrants and notable highlights

9th Red Kite over and female Merlin,10th 3+ singing Reed Warbler, first of the year. 10+ singing Sedge Warbler. 504 8 GW Egret, 3 Med Gull, 11th female Garganey at least 5 Great White Egrets,12th 1 Yellow Wagtail, adult Little Gull, 2 Med Gull, female Goosander north,13th adult Little Gull, 5 Swallow, 10 Sand Martin, 2 GW Egrets female Goldeneye, 56 Curlew, 3 Yellow Wagtail,14th Little Gull. Marsh Harrier, 15th 1 Swallow, 2 Willow Warbler, Little Gull adult. 2 Greenshank.16th First Whinchat, 2 Wheatear, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Swallow. Female Goldeneye. Red Kite over.1 Yellow Wagtail over N. 5 GW Egret.


Bird song was subdued by the cold wind on 13th. Noticeable increase in Blackcaps by the end of the week, 30+ singing.

Other Wildlife

2 Roe Deer seen in Cullimore’s Fields on 13th, three on the summer walkway, 1 on the Dumbles and a buck in the SF Reed bed. Fox seen near Robbie Garnett Hide on 14th and on the Tack Piece on 16th. Brimstone, Orange Tip, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell all week First Holly Blue and Small White on 16th.

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