WeBS Count 21 February 2023, White-rumped Sandpiper and high tides
Totals for the Wetland Bird Survey
White-rumped Sandpiper information
The first winter bird spent today on South Lake (22nd February), many of the Dunlin have moved to the Dumbles to feed as the high tides have flooded the area.
We have allowed for special earlier access to the Discovery Hide for over a week but we have now reverted back to normal 09:30 am opening times this week, the usual access to Rushy Hide, Peng Observatory, Martin Smith, Robbie Garnett, Stephen Kirk, Willow and Knott Hides and Estuary Tower will all open for WWT members from 08:15 am, the rest of the grounds can be accessed from 09;30 am.
Please do not try to access the site any earlier as we need to time to feed, unlock, clean and clear and cover pre-opening checks for the day, thank you. Please have your WWT membership cards available so that we can record the numbers, thank you.
High tides have flooded the Dumbles, large numbers of birds are feeding there and the tide may flood again tomorrow (23rd February).
Cormorant 17
Little Egret 3
Great Egret 2
Grey Heron 2
Mute Swan 121
Bewick's Swan 84
Greylag Goose 267
Russian White-fronted Goose 191
Canada Goose 241
Barnacle Goose 233
Mandarin 1
Shelduck 420
Wigeon 1330
Gadwall 29
Teal 340
Mallard 563
Pintail 300
Shoveler 146
Pochard 87
Tufted Duck 246
Goldeneye 1
Water Rail 6
Moorhen 60
Coot 89
Avocet 35
Oystercatcher 24
Golden Plover 1500
Lapwing 553
Curlew 202
Black-tailed Godwit 473
Ruff 7
Dunlin 551
White-rumped Sandpiper 1 still on South Lake
Redshank 5
Snipe 16
Kingfisher 2
Little Grebe 6
Black-headed Gull 528
Common Gull 131
Caspian Gull 1st winter (2cy) on the South Lake.
Greater Scaup first winter drake
A few Redpoll and Siskin about the grounds, two Marsh Harriers and two Peregrines with two Short-eared Owl over the fields North of Tack Piece late afternoon.