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Wednesday's sightings

A blip in the weather today with temperatures forecast to head over the 20oC mark giving the reserve a more summer like feel.  A Clouded Yellow butterfly flew across the Four Score field near the Kingfisher Hide and several Red Admiral are also still on the wing.

Zeiss Hide

Over 1000 Teal were on the scrape along with 14 Pintail, 2 Ruff, 181 Dunlin, 59 Golden Plover and the Lapwing flock.  A small Peregrine flushed the flock and caught a Dunlin before flying off towards the South Finger.  A Crane pair (Oakie and Sherbert) were with their juvenile on the Top New Piece field.

Holden Tower

An adult Crane (Ruby) was with her 2 juveniles on the Dumbles this morning before moving back to the field surrounding the South Lake.  Also on the Dumbles were 150+ Curlew in the high tide roost.  A different Peregrine from the Zeiss Hide bird was sat out on the edge of the river, a Little Egret and 28 Ruff were to the south of the cross fence.

South Lake Hides

Birds on the scrape included 104 Lapwing, 20 Redshank, 152 Teal, 49 Black-tailed Godwit and 58 Shoveler.  On the deep lake were 10 Cormorant and 3 drake Pochard amongst the Tufted Duck and Mallard.

Rushy Hide

Two Snipe were showing well on the causeway close to the hide.  On the lower pond were 89 Teal and a Green Sandpiper.

Robbie Garnett Hide

Three Black-tailed Godwit were at the back of the island on the scrape along with 332 Teal, a Ruff, 2 Redshank and 15 Lapwing.

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