This weeks summary 141120
Strangely quiet here with no visitors but the winter birds continue to arrive. A succession of wet days has allowed water levels to creep up throughout the site and the birds have been re-acting to this.
Estuary Tower and walkway.
The Dumbles have remained flooded and are being used by a large combined flock of over 1000 Greylag, Canada, Barnacle and a single Pinkfoot . Large flocks of Lapwing (1800), Golden Plover (600) and Dunlin (500) are moving between here, fields to the north and the South Finger. Among them is a roaming flock of around 28 Ruff. At least 2 Marsh Harriers including the Norfolk wing tagged youngster are being seen daily and there has been several sightings of a female Merlin and a Goshawk. Wigeon numbers are creeping up Slowly (over 2000) with the Tack Piece getting the bulk of them. The Tack Piece has become attractive to the Redshank flock but particularly the Black Tailed Godwit flock varying in number between 100 and 400 birds and moving between there and the roost on the South Lake.
South Finger and Zeiss Hide
All of the above using this area as well along with 800 Teal and over 40 Snipe, all flushed on one occasion by a passing Harrier. The 67 Whitefronted Geese have on occasions been on the Dumbles and Tack Piece but are spending most of the time on the Bottom New Piece.
Getting busier by the day with Pochard, Tufted and Pintail increasing steadily. Bewick Swans have settled at just the 2 which hop over the hedge into the Tack Piece during the day. The usual gang of around 14 Snipe are being seen on the left bank and the 2 Spotted Redshank come in to roost here occasionally joined by a Greenshank.
A cracking flock of around 40 Redpoll with a few Siskin are using the Birches and Alders around the Decoy. Early in the week a massive influx of several thousand Fieldfares and hundreds of Redwing poured through the reserve. Cettis seem to be everywhere and there is a scattering of Chiffchaff and at least 3 Blackcap on site.