Please note, on 15th January our Living Wetland Theatre bird demonstration is planned to take place at a different time of 2.30pm.

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Welcome to October

The new month has started with a lovely sunny day, and some great birding to be had as usual.

The new month has started with a lovely sunny day, and some great birding to be had as usual.

Middle Point / Summer Walkway
At least eight Reed Bunting were noted in the area along with 15 Meadow Pipit plus a few Robin and Wren in the reeds and along the track. A flock of around 90 Dunlin flew in to settle on the lower shelf edge of the Dumbles with eight Grey Plover and 110 Curlew. A single Curlew Sandpiper flew past headnig south. A total of 31 Cormorant flew NE or SE. Two Golden Plover flew over the Tack Piece.

On your way to Middle Point, remember to check the Goose House Ground (field next to the seawall and the Goose House). This morning two Whinchat were still in the weeds and our Guide in the Hide, Lisa, had great views of two Kingfishers in the new ditch plus around eight Stonechat!

Decoy Hide
A drake Pochard was on the pond this morning, a very unusual sighting here and I think a personal first for me (SWP). Also seen were a Little Grebe, three Teal, ten Gadwall, two Shoveler and 12 Tufted Duck.

Estuary Tower
A Peregrine caught a Teal in front of the hide this morning, only to lose it later to a Buzzard. The Curlew roost could be seen from the hide, along with the Grey Plover and a single Knot.

South Lake
Twelve Redshank were joined by the two juvenile Spotted Redshank on the wader scrape. Also counted were 17 Ruff, 84 Black-tailed Godwit and a Green Sandpiper at the Hogarth Hide. Exactly 140 Teal were in the area along with eight Cormorant and 62 Tufted Duck on the deep lake.

Zeiss Hide
A Little Stint was with a small flock of Dunlin, the other waders and the Wigeon flock having been spooked off by the Peregrine. A great count of 1520 Teal was made across the Top New Piece along with 20 Wigeon who remained, three Shoveler, six Ruff and a small flock of Lapwing.

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