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Wet Wednesday 8th November

Great wader watching after a wet night and morning.

Plenty of winter passerines about the reserve and grounds, regular movements of Siskin and Redpoll as the flit between trees and the roving tits flocks have plenty of Goldcrests and a few Chiffchaff and Treecreeper for company. A flock of 100+ Fieldfare were about the Estuary Tower area this morning.

Other sightings included the following.

Kingfisher Hide/Bottom New Piece flood and field

At least 21 Ruff among the ever changing numbers of Black-tailed Godwits, over 700 of the latter are on site at the moment. The Dunlin flock also had the juvenile White-rumped Sandpiper for company as well as a couple of Curlew and flocks of Lapwing and Canada, Barnacle and Greylag Geese.

Estuary Tower

Thirty Russian White-fronted Geese flew from the Severn inland early morning but 36 present over lunchtime. The White-rumped Sandpiper was feeding on the Dumbles and 2 Ringed PLover and 11 Ruff dropped in for a time.

Tack Piece

Garganey among the Teal flock on the central flood. Flocks of 100s of Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Lapwing, Dunlin, Golden Plover + 7 Redshank on the field and flood + Wigeon and Teal flocks.

South Lake

Two Spotted Redshank on the wader scrape, Black Tailed Godwit (730 early but moved out to the fields), Tufted Duck(60), Teal(250), Shoveler(48), Great Crested Grebe, Siskin by bridge to hide.

Zeiss Hide

Great White Egret, Wigeon (106), Spotted Redshank(2), Marsh Harrier, Ruff (8), Shoveler(100), Pintail (6).

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