Wet weekend
A blustery and wet weekend restored water levels in many areas
South Lake
16 Avocet, 30,Shoveler, 134 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Oystercatcher, 2 Egyptian Geese, Green Woodpecker just N of Discovery Hide trees/lawn + a few Siskins in the Goldfinch flock near to the bridge, 280 Black-tailed Godwit, 11 Dunlin, 14 Common and 580 Black-headed Gull, 13 Cormorant + 7 Wigeon from Hogarth Hide
Tack Piece
Spoonbill, 610 Wigeon, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 80 Teal, 34 Redshank, 74 Curlew, 15 Shoveler, 34 Shelduck, 10 Knot with the Black-tailed Godwit flock, Little Stint with Dunlin also a count of 654 Golden Plover.
Withy Bed/Decoy Wood
Nearby, a few Siskins in the trees on the edge of the Decoy, viewable/audible from the roped path and 3 Lesser Redpoll in the Duck Decoy.
Estuary Tower
Pair Peregrine Falcons showing very well hunting passes etc, fem Sparrowhawk, 3 Snow Geese on the Dumbles, Todd's Canada with 4 Canada but has moved, 12 Curlew, 14 Great Black-backed Gull + 2 Oystercatcher.
Top New Piece
760 Wigeon, 370 Teal, 34 Pintail, 240 Lapwing, Water Rail below Zeiss Hide.
Bottom New Piece
10+ Ruff, 230 Lapwing, 110 Dunlin, 70 Golden Plover, 220 Wigeon, 16 Pintail, 110 Teal on the flood, pair of Gadwall from the Kingfisher Hide.