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Wetland Bird Survey Totals

August 2022 WeBS Count

5 Cormorant
22 Little Egret
11 Grey Heron
49 Mute Swan
249 Greylag
99 Canada Goose
48 Barnacle Goose
1 Ross's Goose
1 Snow x Bar-headed Goose
1 Canada x Greylag
59 Shelduck
2 Cape Shelduck (or hybrids)
1 Mandarin
2 Wigeon (Big Pen and Top New Piece)
87 Gadwall
6 Garganey
366 Teal
693 Mallard
74 Shoveler
1 Pochard
2 Spoonbill
17 Tufted Duck
3 Water Rail
40 Moorhen
90 Coot
21 Avocet
10 Oystercatcher
1 Grey Plover (Dumbles over high tide)
72 Lapwing
3 Little-ringed Plover
24 Ringed Plover
2 Whimbrel
269 Curlew
456 Black-tailed Godwit
20 Ruff
1 Sanderling
74 Dunlin
3 Little Stint (Top New Piece but three also seen on the Tack Piece)
2 Common Sandpiper (estuary)
15 Green Sandpiper
3 Spotted Redshank
25 Redshank
2 Greenshank
1 Wood Sandpiper
9 Snipe
4 Kingfisher
6 Little Grebe
4 GC Grebe
933 Black-headed Gull
37 Lesser Black-backed Gull
6 GBB Gull
51 Herring Gull

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