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What a lorra lorra Lapwings

Wetter conditions attracting some good numbers of Lapwing to the site, at least 4000 on site today.

Wetter conditions attracting some good numbers of Lapwing to the site, at least 4000 on site today.

Holden Tower
One of our Cranes pairs, Oakie and Sherbert, have been displaying this morning getting ready for the breeding season ahead, but they still have their juvenile from last year in tow, but unimpressed it is totally ignoring the activity between its parents! Over on the Long Ground Pool were 30 Tufted Duck, 20 Mallard, 10 Pochard, 3 pairs of Gadwall, 34 Shelduck, 2 Shoveler and 6 Wigeon.

Martin Smith Hide
The Jack Snipe appeared around 11:20am when it was flushed into the open by a Water Rail. Earlier in the morning three Common Snipe were on the island with a few duck. As you approach the hide keep an eye, and an ear, out for some of our wintering Chiffchaff who are often seen in this area, especially near the bridge.

South Lake
The hide round this morning produced just 4 Black-tailed Godwit, but this increased by mid-morning with an arrival bringing the flock to 116 birds. Other birds first thing included 11 Dunlin and 2 Redshank along with 1529 Lapwing! At least 14 Snipe were dotted around the shoreline of the wader scrape and 15 Common Gull were in with the Black-headed Gulls. The over-wintering juvenile Great Crested Grebe was also on deep lake with a breeding plumage adult. Duck on the deep lake this morning included 35 Tufted Duck, 27 Pochard, 34 Mallard, 193 Teal, 3 Gadwall and 4 Shoveler but these numbers will increase as birds leave the Rushy following the feed.

Zeiss Hide
Lots of Lapwing on the Top and Bottom New Piece fields too this morning with around 1600+ present. Duck numbers seemed lower with around 350+ Wigeon and 342 Teal. Four Black-tailed Godwit were on the scrape and four Snipe were seen.

Willow Hide
Three Water Rail were under the feeders again this morning.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A flock of 130 White-fronted Geese were on the Tack Piece this morning with other birds in the field including 18 Ruff, 10 Redshank, 500+ Lapwing, 300+ Golden Plover, 633 Wigeon plus good numbers of Teal, Shoveler and Pintail.

Knott Hide
A good number of Wigeon close to the hide this morning with the flock numbering 133. Also present were 13 Teal and a Shoveler.

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