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White and Yellow Wagtails

A few more migrant birds noted today

Tack Piece

Water levels are dropping here in preparation of the cattle coming on, the scrape/fleet is still very much full and continues to attract the ducks.

The field hosted three smart White Wagtails this afternoon, a male Yellow Wagtail joined them and and a pair of Pied Wagtail were also feeding in the grass, a couple of Skylark fed with them at times. The drake Garganey was present again today with the Wigeon 'flock' down to eight + 53 Shoveler, Gadwall, Teal, Shelduck and feeding Black-tailed Godwits, a single Curlew was seen early morning and Sand Martins, a few House Martins and Swallows fed over all day. The Spotted Redshank visited.

South Lake

150 Black headed Gulls on the colony islands + 70 loafers on the scrape, a single 3cy Mediterranean Gull, nesting Crane, 14-16 nesting Avocets, an adult and 2cy male Goldeneye noted.

Top New Piece

Seven Lapwing, two females, Spotted Redshank, 205 Black-tailed Godwit, singing Sedge Warbler and Reed Bunting and 26 Shoveler.

Rushy Hide

A pair of Avocet now nesting on one of the islands, Black-tailed

Sedge and Reed Warbler increase

Singing Sedge Warblers from the Decoy Boardwalk, Martin Smith, Knott and Kingfisher Hides. and singing Reed Warblers on the Tack Piece, Knott Hide, South Finger Reedbed and in the Car Park

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