White-rumped Sandpiper, South Lake
What is likey to be the first ever winter record of a White-rumped Sandpiper in the UK!
White-rumped Sandpiper
A non-breeding plumage White-rumped Sandpiper was discovered on the South Lake wader scrape this afternoon, this bird should be in South America for the winter! This species breeds on the North American Tundra and usually appears in the UK as a very rare spring migrant or rare autumn migrant, most records in the UK are from May to November. This bird is feeding on the causeways and islands of the South Lake, great to have yet another scarce wader species making the most of the reserve teams creations. Hopefully it won't be long until Avocets and Little-ringed Plovers are nesting.
Russian White-fronted Geese
Our highest count of the winter so far, at least 197 feeding in the Four Score Ground today, 35 juveniles/first winter were 17.7% of the flock.