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White Stork

An adult White Stork appeared over the center yesterday and stayed overnight

White Stork
An adult White Stork appeared over the center yesterday and stayed overnight. It was a Knepp project re-introduced bird ring number GB1B. It was feeding in fields to the north and almost landed on the Sloane Tower at one point.

One was flying around the site yesterday but no sign yet today.

Still dominated by northerly winds but a drop in windspeed has allowed a trickle of migration. There was a flock of 22 Bar Tailed Godwit on the Estuary and 4 Dunlin with a single Little Stint. The odd Yellow Wagtail is heading over flying north and the first Lesser Whitethroat was singing near the South Lake. A few more Reed and Sedge Warbler around especially in the reed bed walk but still waiting for a major influx. Nice to have singing Willow Warblers joining the Chiffchaff and Blackcap around the site. there was a single Common Sandpiper in the Pillbox pool along with an unseasonal Snipe. Nice to see the summer plumage Little Grebe here as well.

A few winter ducks holding on, 20 Shoveler, 22 Teal and 7 Wigeon on the Tack Piece (viewable from the Estuary Tower). The immature Peregrine was on the Dumbles and a prospecting pair of redshank joined the 4 pairs of established Lapwing there. Nice views of Skylark, Reed Bunting and Linnet from the estuary Tower as well.

Canoe viewing trailer
Good views of Black tailed Godwit (29) and Avocet (13) as well as more prospecting Redshank and a pair of Oystercatchers. The Cranes can be seen towards the back of the field.

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