New bus service launching this summer, with access to WWT Slimbridge. Find out more.

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South Lake ; Black tailed Godwit ( 520 ), Knot ( 104 ), Ruff (10), Teal (350) , Shoveler (106), Pochard ( 28), Tufted Duck ( 86), Cetti Warbler , Common Gull

Zeiss Hide: Dunlin (120), Redshank (27), Lapwing (250), Wigeon (80), Ruff (4)

Kingfisher & Bottom New Piece : White-Fronted Geese (4 ad.2 Juv ), Curlew (45), Fieldfare (130), Redwing ( 215), Lapwing (150)

Dumbles: White -Fronted Geese (10 feeding with Grey lag Geese flock ), Barnacle Geese (61), Bar Headed Geese type (2 with Barnacle flock ), Golden Plover (210), Grey Plover (10), Dunlin (150) , Great Black Backed Gull (58)

Rushy : Still 2 Bewick Swans early this morning

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