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Wild Winter Saturday

The drake Goldeneye is still present but no sign yet of the female.  The drake has occasionally disappeared from the South Lake, but we've refound him on the Big Pen next to the Visitor Centre, so keep an eye open as your cross the boardwalk.

Martin Smith Hide

The Jack Snipe was showing again on the island this lunchtime.

Zeiss Hide

Out on the Dumbles were 170+ Barnacle Geese along with 6 Cranes, whilst in the reedbed in front of the hide a Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler were seen. A flock of 112 White-fronted Geese were seen just after midday but they have been very flighty today moving around several fields.  A pair of Peregrine on the gateposts put in front.

Rushy Hide

A total of 101 Bewick’s Swans were on the Rushy this morning along with Indri on the Big Pen next to the Visitor Centre brings us to 102 on site.


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