Wild Winter Weekend begins
Join us this weekend to celebrate the amazing wildlife spectacle that is Slimbridge Wetland Centre in winter!
Join us this weekend to celebrate the amazing wildlife spectacle that is Slimbridge Wetland Centre in winter! Find out more about the weekend here.
Estuary Tower
The hide is one of the best places to watch the winter flocks on the Tack Piece and Dumbles, all wheeling around overhead before settling again on the fields. Tens of thousands of birds are present including Lapwing, Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Wigeon, Dunlin, Teal and Shoveler. Check through the flocks for smaller numbers of Redshank and Ruff.
A Peregrine was out on the Dumbles this morning. The high tide roost saw a good number of Curlew roosting on the riverbank. The White-fronted Geese are well spread around the reserve today, with 40-50 birds between the Dumbles and Tack Piece. A Great Egret flew north, and to in the north of the reserve was a Marsh Harrier.
Robbie Garnett Hide
The Tack Piece is alive with birds which this morning included 1464 Dunlin and 518 Black-tailed Godwit. Many of our Bewick's Swans are also feeding here during the day, with a mesmerizing display of Lapwing, Golden Plover and Dunlin overhead.
South Lake
Lots of Shoveler on the deep lake today, busy feeding in their pirouetting pairs and groups. At least 26 Avocet are again on the wader scrape, with birds also seen from the Zeiss Hide on the Top New Piece.
Rushy Hide / Peng Observatory
At least 100 Bewick's Swans were counted this morning, mostly on the Rushy but with a few arriving back for the morning feed having roosted on the Tack Piece. The first-winter drake Greater Scaup was again on the upper pond near the swan pipe.
Kingfisher Hide
A small flock of 16 White-fronted Geese were grazing on the Bottom New Piece along with a few of the Bewick's Swans. Two Roe Deer were inland in the Four Score field.
Zeiss Hide
Eight Avocet were counted here this morning, possibly birds venturing out from the South Lake. Also of note were 840 Teal, 125 Wigeon, 34 Pintail, two Snipe and 18 Shelduck.