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Windblown birds

We had very strong winds from early morning and it was gusting 40mph all day. A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was out on the foreshore with Canada Geese for company. A party of nine Kittiwake flew through NE over the high tide.

Other sightings included the following

Estuary Tower

Little Stint feeding on the Dumbles saltmarsh pools among Dunlin and Lapwing early morning

The high tide roost of 46 GBB Gull also had a 2cy Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Herring and 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls for company, the large brown falcon had appeared again but was driven off by an adult Peregrine, it was unusual to see a drake Pochard on the Severn at high tide, more typical were the rafts of Wigeon and Pintail, a male Stonechat was on the Middle Point fence. Great Egret in the Goose House Ground paleo channel. 11 Russian White-fronted Geese + Ross's and adult Lesser White-fronted Goose with the Canada/Barnacle Geese on the Dumbles.

Severn View (Sloane) Tower

The pair of Whooper Swans were still in the Fifty Acre, viewed distantly by looking NNE.

Tack Piece

Three Spotted Redshank, 32 Redshank (increase), 12 Ruff and flocks of Dunlin, Curlew and Lapwing. Five Russian White-fronted Geese, 12 Ruff and the over-summering Pink-footed Goose among the 1000s of birds.

South Lake

The 1cy White-rumped Sandpiper was still on South lake wader scrape this morning to 0945am at least.

Two Knot hidden among 352 Black-tailed Godwits, 1cy Mediterranean Gull among the Herring, Black-headed, LBB Gull and Common Gulls, GC Grebe among the Tufted Ducks and Pochard. A few Siskins feeding in the alder trees by the Sanderson Bridge.

Van de Bovenkamp Hide

Two Great Egrets worming, look East into the Tin Shed Ground.

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