Windy weather
We're seeing periods of windy stormy weather moving through in the coming days with birds moving around the reserve to find shelter
We're seeing periods of windy stormy weather moving through in the coming days with birds moving around the reserve to find shelter.
Zeiss Hide
A mobile flock of several thousand Golden Plover and Dunlin were moving between the Top New Piece and Tack Piece, along with 500+ Lapwing and eight Ruff. Around 300+ Black-tailed Godwit moved here from the South Lake. Also noted were seven Avocet and 500+ Wigeon.
South Lake
A big increases in waders this morning with 40 Avocet and 480 Black-tailed Godwit present along with 20 Dunlin, 350+ Lapwing, ten Red Knot and five Oystercatcher. A near adult Mediterranean Gull was noted along with 87 Common Gull sheltering from the wind. Duck included 30 Shoveler, ten Tufted Duck, 44 Pochard and a Great Crested Grebe.
Robbie Garnett Hide
A quieter Tack Piece this morning with the wind but still 58 Redshank and two Ruff were roosting on the shoreline. Several hundred Wigeon and Teal were also present, along with four Curlew.
Estuary Tower
The White-fronted Geese were in the to the north of Tack Piece this morning. Out on the Dumbles towards the river the Curlew roost contained 247 birds on the riverbank, along with two pairs of Oystercatcher, 56 Shelduck and seven Great Black-backed Gulls. A pair of Cranes (Wendy & Albert) were on the Dumbles, and the Ross's Goose was with the Barnacle Geese.
Decoy Hide
A juvenile Sparrowhawk was sat on the gate at the end of the boardwalk this morning. This individual has some leucistic feathers on its back so is easy to identify. The bird has been seen hunting the Rushy, Tack Piece, Decoy and near the Willow Hide. Duck on the pond included 56 Tufted Duck, seven Shoveler, a pair of Gadwall and the usual Mallard.
South Finger Walkway
A Treecreeper and a Goldcrest were with the Chaffinch flock, along with a Siskin.
Elsewhere the Glossy Ibis was again near the cattle barn in roadside fields next to canal.