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Wood Sandpiper and Greenshank new in

Middle Point

The male White-spotted Bluethroat was again singing and showing well this morning. Four Great Egret, 6 Little Egret, 6 Grey Heron and 2 Sanderling on the mudflats and creeks on the ebb tide.

Estuary Tower

At high tide this morning a Great Crested Grebe floated upriver, 42 Curlew, 14 Great Black-backed Gull, 40 Barnacle Geese, 4 Oystercatcher and a Peregrine were on the foreshore, House Martins were collecting mud from scrape.

South Lake

Male Black winged Stilt, 82 Avocet, 6 Little-ringed Plover, a Greenshank, 29 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 drake Pochard, female Wigeon, drake Teal, 46 Coot, 12 Mallard (brood of 15), 40 Gadwall (+ brood of 4), 5 Tufted Duck (+ brood of 7).

Top New Piece

Breeding plumage Spotted Redshank, a newly arrived Wood Sandpiper joined the 59 strong Lapwing flock, and Green Sandpiper, 41 Redshank, 55 Avocet, 67 Teal, eclipse drake Garganey, Oystercatcher, 2 broods each Shelduck and Gadwall.

Tack Piece

Four Little Egret, 7 Lapwing, 6 Oystercatcher, 14 Teal, 8 Lapwing, 15 Starling.

Rushy Hide

Male Cuckoo singing and a female bubbling.

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