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Wood Sandpiper new in

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

Plenty of wader activity here today, ten male and eight female Lapwing present on the field and flood edge, at least three broods were foraging and one nest is still active. A smart newly arrived Wood Sandpiper proved popular on the flood along with the 200+ Black-tailed Godwits, 2 breeding plumaged Dunlin and 3 pairs of Redshank. The flock of Ruff are well worth making the effort to see, the two males here are looking fabulous in breeding plumage but tthe six females (reeves) are also in breeding attire, will we see some displaying soon?

Reed Warblers and Reed Bunting are singing in competition with the Sedge Warbler that upstages them a little. A Great Crested Grebe was on the fleet with a few Tufted Duck, two pairs of Wigeon and a few drake Shoveler. Around 20 Avocets fed in the flood. Two Crane and a Peregrine were on the Dumbles and a party of 9 Bar-tailed Godwit and 6 Curlew were also seen distantly over the high tide. A feeding party of Swifts arrived later in the day.

Kingfisher Hide

The Kingfishers continued to show well when visiting with fish to feed young. A stunning male Redstart was fly-catching in the Bottom New Piece gateway and willows. Singing and rather showy Cettis' Warblers (2), Reed Warblers (4+), Sedge Warbler and a Reed Bunting in the shrubs and reeds adjacent to the hide.

South Lake

Two Little-ringed Plover, two drake Garganey (mobile from deep lake to Hogarth Hide) and a male Ruff were pick of the birds on the wader scrape. Great Crested and Little Grebes were on deep lake with Tufted Ducks, three Cormorant and the Black-headed Gull colony.

Rushy Hide

A second calendar year Mediterranean Gull was displaying to Black-headed Gulls. The Avocet and Black-headed Gull colony active as ever.

Knott Hide

Very busy with Reed Warblers in the reeds and hedge opposite.

Tack Piece

Small numbers of Gadwall, Teal, Wigeon and Mallard on the scrape.

Bird Song Workshop

The second bird song workshop event of the weekend was held between 0700-1030, as well as many if the birds seen above we noted the following by song or calls.

House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Blackcap, Wren, Robin, House Martin, Swallow, Common Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Cetti's, Reed and Sedge Warbler, Cuckoo, Dunnock, Great and Blue Tit, Chaffinch, the Rookery and Reed Bunting. Blackbird and Song Thrush were heard briefly but both are busy feeding young. Goldcrest sang briefly and we had superb views of Long-tailed Tits feeding their young at the South Finger gate.

We noted two Grey Heron and a Common Tern.

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