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Tack Piece alive with birds

Tack Piece

The floods have receded a little creating great conditions for some fantastic birding. The Wigeon flock has increased to 1710 with a scattering of Teal, Pintail and Shoveler. One or two Whitefronted Geese were in the field but the bulk of the flock are just over the hedge to the north. The Curlew were realy impressive again with 152 counted many close to the hides. There were 3 ringed head started birds, numbers 40, 29 and another too distant to read. The Black Tailed Godwit flock of 300+ birds dropped in here to join the Curlew. Great close views of 72 Redshank and 14 Ruff, Golden Plover were piling into the field 440 when I left and still increasing joining 500 Lapwing. A small party of 45 Dunlin were flying around and the very pale white headed Buzzard put in an appearance. At least 3 Snipe were in front of the Martin Smith Hide and the usual Water rails at the Willow Hide.


Great to see the first pair of Avocet drop in here. The 10 Snipe were on the west bank of the lower pond again and the single Bewicks Swan moved from here to the Tack Piece.

Estuary Tower

Peregrine distantly on the edge of the Dumbles, good to see 80 Wigeon and the Oystercatcher pair close to the tower.

South lake

Avocet 34 and Shoveler 86, Pochard 28, Cormorant 7 and a pair of Oystercatchers.

Kingfisher Hide

The Kingfisher pair were seen briefly near the bank and a Treecreeper along the walkway.

Zeiss Hide

Teal 130, Wigeon 174 and a Cettis close to the hide.

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