Yellow-browed Warbler and Siberian Chiffchaff
Eastern warbler duo make an appearance
Estuary Tower/Summer Walkway
A misty grey day might not have been welcomed by all, as it was flat calm it was brilliant for attempting to hear calls of birds, the rustle of leaves and reeds also gave bird movement away. A Common Chiffchaff was calling regularly this morning and was joined by another bird, this called from cover for a prolonged period until it eventually popped up on top the scrub, it was a Siberian Chiffchaff. Soon after a Yellow-browed Warbler was also located along the path, this bird made it's way out to the Goose House where it was last seen in the willows.
A Stonechat was seen along the hedge with a few Meadow Pipits.
The Russian White-fronted Geese flew past to the North but headed back to the Bottom New Piece for the day.
The Dumbles
The high tide flooded last night and again on this mornings tide, it was busy with birds today with flocks of Wigeon, Pintail, Shelduck, Greylag, Barnacle, Greylag and Canada Geese as well as at least one White-fronted Goose.
Also 9 Crane, 2 Spotted Redshank, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 40+ Dunlin, 1 Russian White-fronted Goose, 2 Redshank, 70+ Golden Plover, 90+ Starling, 330 Wigeon, 30+ Pintail + 130+ Lapwings and 43 Great Black-backed Gulls.
A Short-eared Owl flew in and headed to Middle Point this afternoon.
Middle Point
Small parties of Reed Bunting, Meadow Pipit and a Short-eared Owl being mobbed by a Lesser Black-backed Gull over the Severn.
Juvenile Marsh Harrier hunting fields to the North.
Duck Decoy/Pond Dipping area
A few Lesser Redpolls in the birches by Pond Dipping area and Decoy boardwalk.
Willow Hide
Water Rail and the touring flock of Siskins fed in the alder trees.
Top New Piece
Over high tide there were four Curlew Sandpiper, 1 Little Stint, 1 Spotted Redshank, 12 Redshank, 330 Dunlin, 36 Golden Plover, 3 Black-tailed Godwit and 540 Teal. At least 5 Stonechat fed from the hedge along the West side of the flood.
Bottom New Piece
Around 43 Russian White-fronted Geese spent the day grazing among the Longhorn cattle.
Kingfisher Hide
A Bittern flew across from the Zeiss Hide, it was seen again later and possibly from Estuary Tower, also juvenile Little Grebe, Fieldfares, Wrens & a Jay.
South Lake
c40 Siskins were commuting from the trees here to Decoy and other parts of the grounds. An early morning count revealed 46 Black-tailed Godwit, 62 Shelduck, 112 Greylag, 35 Tufted Duck, 8 Pochard, 166 Lapwing, 2 Grey Heron, 29 Shoveler, 83 Teal, 192 Black-headed Gull, 14 Herring Gull and 2 Common Gull.