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Yet another storm

Yet another storm is rolling through the UK, this time it's Hannah bringing the wind and rain

Yet another storm is rolling through the UK, this time it's Hannah bringing the wind and rain. No evidence of anything more unusual being blown in or blown away, with our Wigeon numbers holding steady with 1169 birds counted this morning spread mainly between the Tack Piece and Top New Piece, whilst over on the South Lake the flock of Black-tailed Godwit numbered 483 birds with a single Knot was hidden amongst them.

Holden Tower
Cranes Oakie and Sherbert were displaying on the Dumbles this morning whilst their juvenile watched on, perhaps slightly embarrassed at the flirting or more likely subconsciously learning the routine for its own future in a few years time. At least 135 White-fronted Geese were also on the Dumbles, hunkered down in the lower areas to avoid the worst of the wind. A total of 87 Shelduck were also seen. Birds on the Long Ground Pool included a Great Crested Grebe, a Little Grebe, 27 Tufted Duck, a pair Gadwall and 9 Wigeon.

Zeiss Hide
A feeding flock of 37 Avocet were on the Top New Piece and two groups of Wigeon totaling 246 birds were split between the north and south of the hide.

Kingfisher Hide
The male Kingfisher was outside the nest hole this morning and a male Roe Deer was up against the hedge and bramble in the Bottom New Piece field.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Most of the Wigeon on the Tack Piece were on show here with 690 birds present along with 5 Redshank, a pair of Oystercatcher and 24 Shoveler.

Stephen Kirk Hide
Several birds have found a nice corner sheltering from the wind in lea of the Holden Tower including three Black-tailed Godwit, 20 Redshank, 50 Curlew, 76 Wigeon and single Ruff.

South Lake
A single Knot was hiding amongst 483 Black-tailed Godwit on the wader scrape, all of them tucked up against the wind. They were best viewed from the Hogarth Hide this morning. Also present were two pairs of Oystercatcher, 16 Avocet, 22 Shoveler, the second-summer Mediterranean Gull with a few black flecks in the primaries from yesterday and 34 Common Gull.

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