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Young falcons

We've reached that time of year when young Hobby and Kestrels can be seen around the reserve, they are mainly focused on catching insects. Today at least three Hobby and six Kestrel were seen from various parts of the reserve. Good weather always makes it easier to see them and this week looks good for continued sightings.

Other sightings today include the following..

Rushy Hide

Still a few Avocet broods present but they have begun to wander.

Tack Piece

Busy for waders, two Little-ringed Plover, 10 Green Sandpiper, two Greenshank, 3 Avocet, an Oystercatcher and 2 Common Sandpiper present here today. Also adult and juvenile Grey Heron.

Knott Hide

One of the Greenshank has been visiting this scrape.

South Lake

The Little-ringed Plover pair still have two young, best viewed from Hogarth Hide. At least 285 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 male Ruff, 2 Oystercatcher, 65 Redshank (four juveniles) and numbers of Teal and Gadwall. Little Grebes, Cormorant and Tufted Ducks.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

At least 6 Sand Martin and a few Swift heading S today. 80+ Aovdet included 9 fledged juveniles, a number of Avocet broods are still present and growing well. At least three Common and one Green Sandpiper also seen as well as c30 Lapwing. Lots of Reed Warblers feeding young in the reed bed below the hide.


The Spoonbill is stil present and was seen roosting on the spartina island over high tide. It feeds in the deep channels at low tide and cannot be seen.Two Yellow-legged Gulls were also noted in the gull roost, an adult and 3cy bird. 114 Curlew were counted and a flighty flock of c40 Dunlin were about the estuary.

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