Young Kingfishers
Rushy Hide
Just a single Green Sandpiper, 3 Lapwing and a family of Shelduck.
Tack Piece
At least 5 Green Sandpipers here a handful of Teal, 3 Lapwings a lone Little Egret and the 3 Egyptian Geese.
Estuary Tower
Two Little Egrets, two Heron and10 Curlew distantly on the estuary a Peregrine was hunkered down against the wind, a Kestrel was near middle Point and three Green Sandpiper were close to the tower in the new ditches.
Kingfisher Hide
Lots of activity from the Kingfishers with birds dashing all over the place. A young Buzzard was on a hay bale.
Zeiss Hide
The Dunlin flock was again 66 birds this morning there was also 55 Lapwing and 56 Black Tailed Godwit. Only 2 of the newly hatched Avocet have been seen so far this morning. this morning. There were 12 Teal, 11 Gadwall and 12 Swifts overhead.
South Lake
The wader scrape held 9 Ruff and 9 Little-ringed Plover a flock of 46 Redshank with an adult Spotted Redshank among them and a flock of 146 Black tailed Godwit. The only Avocet were seven juveniles. On the lake were 75 Gadwall, 58 Teal, 3 Shoveler and a very hungry Great Crested Grebe juvenile begging from an adult.