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Sightings 10th Aug Slimbridge

Sightings 10th Aug Slimbridge

South Lake Crane family, 10 Ruff, 10 Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Long-tailed Tit flock, Great Crested Grebe with chick, 14 Black-tailed Godwit, lots of hirundines low over water Zeiss Hide 180 Dunlin, adult Sanderling, 26 Ringed Plover, 4 Black-tailed Godw

10 August 2018

Wed 8th & Thur 9th August Sightings at Slimbridge

Wed 8th & Thur 9th August Sightings at Slimbridge

As the weather has cooled off a little here in the Severn estuary the birds have continued to be as entertaining as always. The three remaining Crane youngsters have been providing spectacular views as they learn to fly. From the Zeiss or Kingfisher hides

10 August 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

This morning has started a little cooler, but temperatures will no doubt pick up as the day goes on.  The Wood Sandpiper remains on the Tack Piece but there is little sign of other wader movement apart from a colour ringed Avocet on the Top New Piece whi

7 August 2018

Clear blue skies

Clear blue skies

It's another gloriously sunny day on the reserve with plenty to see, not least our Crane chicks on the South Lake who are starting to exercise their wings more and more, even taking their first short flights.  It hopefully won't be long before they're ai

5 August 2018

A set of Sandpipers

A set of Sandpipers

Rushy A good hot spot this morning single Wood and Common Sandpipers and 11 Greens. A dozen Black Tailed Godwiits with 1 Dunlin and a cracking group of 5 Snipe showing well. Still 4 young Avocets, Juvenile Pied Wagtails all over and 5 Cormorants on the ma

4 August 2018

Back to being dry

Back to being dry

Since the rain a few days ago we're back into a period of dry weather but thankfully many of our pools and scrapes are in a great shape attracting lots of birds.  The Curlew Sandpiper from earlier in the week remain, hanging out with the Black-tailed God

3 August 2018

A helping hand from the rain

A helping hand from the rain

At last! A wet day to top up the scrapes and pools, even if it's just a little. Rushy Hide Common and Wood Sandpiper still present, the latter often moves to the Tack Piece and was even on the South Lake today. Tack Piece 15 and 5 Pied Wagtail following

30 July 2018

A summer storm

A summer storm

The heat wave has taken a break as a summer storm blew up with heavy showers at times. Rushy Hide Juvenile Wood Sandpiper and a juvenile Black-tailed Godwit (likely to be limosa) the highlights but Common Sandpiper, 3 Green Sandpiper and a Snipe also seen

29 July 2018

A little Rain at last and levels coming up.

A little Rain at last and levels coming up.

One of at least 15 Ruff on site today all in a bewildering range of plumage's. Rushy Green Sandpiper 10 Black Tailed Godwit 5 Redshank 5 Avocet 11 Tufted Duck 11 juveniles Shelduck 12 juvs Gadwall 22 Heron 1 Grey Wagtail 1 Holden Walkway Hides Green Sand

28 July 2018

Summer plumage Curlew Sand and Knott

Summer plumage Curlew Sand and Knott

Rushy Common Sanpiper 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Avocet 5 ad 1 juv. Shelduck creche at least 13 Tufted Duck brood 3 Oystecatcher 1 Lapwing 1 Crane family watch out for activity in tall vegetation at back of pond. Holden Tower and walkway. Yellow Wagtail 1 with c

27 July 2018

Curlew Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpiper

Rushy 2 Oystercatcher 8 Avocet 1 Lapwing 2 Green Sandpiper 2 Common Sandpiper 6 Black-tailed Godwit Shelduck with large Brood 2 Crane with chick Tack Piece 11 Lapwing 2 Green Sandpiper in the channel 16 Yellow Wagtail feeding among the cattle Holden Towe

26 July 2018

Lesser Emperor- a reserve first.

Lesser Emperor- a reserve first.

Late in the day yesterday a male Lesser Emperor dragonfly was discovered on the pool outside the Martin Smith Hide, this is the first record for the reserve and is a rare insect in Gloucestershire and the UK. South Lake Two male Ruff, 23 Redshank, 81 Bla

23 July 2018

Sunday sightings

Sunday sightings

Rushy Hide An adult Little ringed Plover on the top pond islands but sometimes hidden. A few Avocet families plus Redshank and many duck broods. The Crane family are still doing well. Tack Piece 60+ Lapwing, 5 Green and one Common Sandpiper Knott Hide Re

22 July 2018

Saturday 21st July

Saturday 21st July

Great views of Reed Warblers from many of the hides today especially Zeiss and Knott Hides Rushy Avocet 4ad broods of 3 & 1. Shelduck 28 Gadwall 7 Tufted Duck brood of 5 Holden and Walkway Black Tailed Godwit 100

21 July 2018

Friday 20th July

Friday 20th July

Rushy Avocet 2 ad and broods of 3,2 and 3 fledged young. Green Sandpiper 1 Shelduck 22 young Lapwing 2 Tufted broods 3, 2 and 2 Oystercatcher 1 Holden Tower and Walkway Avocet 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Lapwing 7 Peregrine 1 Buzzard 1 Reed Warblers especially fr

20 July 2018