Thank you to our amazing Steart volunteers!

On Tuesday we had our Christmas outing to thank our dedicated team of volunteers for all their time and hard work. Calculations show that over the past year our 52 volunteers have clocked up a remarkable 6984 hours between them! That is the equivalent of us having another 4.1 full time members of staff, or, for Steart Marshes, doubling the current staff numbers. That just goes to show that we truly couldn’t do it without the great support of our volunteers.

We started the day with a very interesting walk around Gothelney farm led by farmer Fred Price ( He explained his work to return to a more natural method of farming, reducing chemical input and increasing the variety of plants grown to help improve the soil.

A highlight of the visit was meeting the beautiful Tamworth piglets who were remarkably friendly!



After warming up by the wood burner, we enjoyed a buffet of delicious local produce, yes, including some Tamworth pork. Slimbridge 2020 project manager Jackie Harris gave a fascinating talk about Sir Peter Scott, founder of WWT and all-round incredible man. Did you know that he was not only the son of the fated Antarctic explorer, but also Olympic medal winner, war hero, artist, and most incredibly, named after Peter Pan … yes, it’s true!

A great big thank you to everyone who helps and supports us here at Steart Marshes - looking forward to working with you 2019.

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