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Walk-through exhibits


A visiting family enjoying watching a pair of Emperor geese

Head on over to Ganderland which is home to a variety of geese from around the world.

Listen for the soft grumbling call of the inquisitive nene – or Hawaiian goose – the rarest goose on the planet. See the handsome, red-breasted goose grazing with its delicate beak as white-fronted geese roam.

Watch Ross’s geese gather and enjoy antics from friendly emperor geese (pictured) exploring the grasslands and stream below. Keep slow and quiet and they may just approach to check you out!

Close Encounters

Falcated ducks

Close Encounters offers a seasonal sensory experience, with heavily scented planting and light reflecting on water. Learn about the characterful eider duck and its links with Northeast England or quietlyspend a moment sitting immersed in the surrounding duck life as puna teal, red shoveler, falcated duck (pictured above) and many more birds dabble and dive around you - a wildlife medley for all to enjoy!