Chill out in our wetlands as the heat rises

WWG Ben Cherry 2.jpgWith the heat rising again across the region, why not bring your temperature down on a visit to our wonderfully cooling wetlands?

Let the kids splash around in our wet play area - complete with giant working tap and Archimedes screw - while you chill on the grass or under the trees nearby with an ice cream.

Or how about a wander through our shady ancient woodland, alongside sparkling ponds or bubbling streams?

When your legs need a rest, pause a moment in one of our cool hides overlooking wading chicks including common tern and avocet on the lake and woodland birds at the feeding station – you never know what star species you might see!

Stream area and cafe summer 2022.jpgAnd don’t forget to try one of our delicious iced coffees or tasty milkshakes back at Waterside Café, which you can sit and slurp on our sun terrace while watching the geese, ducks and Eurasian cranes preen and swim on the stream below.

Best of all, your visit to our wetland reserve won’t just cool *you* down – by supporting WWT Washington you’ll also be contributing to our work creating and restoring more wetlands to help cool the whole planet.

Now that really IS cool!

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