He did it! Photographer Alex Ditch achieves his birdwatching dream

Did you watch Alex and his journey to find the elusive kingfisher?

**WinterWatch spoiler alert**

Did you see last night’s WinterWatch? We were watching on tenterhooks as visually impaired photographer Alex, waited for a very special visitor to stop by our saline lagoon hide.

As he headed into the hide, Alex told the BBC WinterWatch team,

I'm keeping every part of my body crossed.

Following a patient wait, Alex's mum Pam excitedly shouts,

Kingfisher, kingfisher, there on the reed!

The amazing moment photographer Alex Ditch finally got the kingfisher shot that he’d been longing for was truly magical, and caught on camera! His reaction was everything...and it's exactly the reason why we do what we do.

After waiting so long to photograph a kingfisher, Alex said,

I feel very happy inside because I thought I wasn't going to get to photograph it before my eyes got really bad.

Alex Ditch - Kingfisher.jpg

© Alex Ditch | Kingfisher at Lagoon View hide, Washington Wetland Centre.

Alex is a truly inspirational young man and will no doubt inspire many people to go out and make their own goals. Read more about Alex on our recent blog.

He finished by saying,

Even if you've got a disability, whatever you want to do, you're able to achieve it.

Alex uploads his images to Instagram and has recently created a PicFair account to share with people who may not be on social media.

Kingfisher are notoriously elusive but are actually spotted here more than you’d think. Here’s our guide on the best places to find one around site

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