*Site restrictions due to high winds - Sat 21 and Sun 22 Dec*

We will be open on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 December with some restrictions in place. Our foxproof gates will remain closed with no access to the woodlands at the east and west of site. Our inner circle with collection animals and wader lake will remain open and our Elf Academy event will be taking place as expected. Please keep an eye on social media for any updates at the weekend.


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Here's some information to help you plan your visit to Washington Wetland Centre. Our friendly and welcoming team are always on hand should you have any questions before or during your visit.

At a glance

The basics of accessibility around Washington Wetland Centre. Scroll down for our detailed accessibility statement and visual guide.

Any more questions?

In addition, our friendly team of staff and volunteers are always happy to help, so if you need assistance carrying a tray to your cafe table or help to open a gate – please just ask!

If you have any specific questions about our accessibility then please feel free to call us on 0191 416 5454 and we can discuss it with you and help you plan your day.