Wildlife Sightings 20/112022

Weather..Bright and clear

River Wear Tide Level ..

Wader Lake Species

Black Headed Gull -2

Lapwing -5

Kestrel -1

Pied Wagtail -1

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Station

Willow Tit -1

Green Finch -4

Bullfinch -2

Coal Tit -1

Great Spotted Woodpecker -1

Bird Species noted around site

Curlew ...River Wear -1

Bullfinch ..Spring Gill -3

Black Headed Gull...River Wear -2

Cormorant...River -1

Red Shank ..River -1

Goosander ...River -3

Goldeneye...River -1

Little Egret...Saline Lagoon -1

Gold Finch ...South Wood -8

Willow Tit ...The lookout -1

Siskin ...Wader Lake Footpath -10

Gold finch ...Wader Lake Footpath -2

Other wildlife Species noted around site


Common incap -8..at the look out

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