Wildlife sightings - 26/10/2022

Weather: cloudy with light rain

Wader Lake (AM, low water level):

Black-tailed godwit 3

Lapwing 45

Shoveler 3 female and 2 male

Teal 27

Moorhen 14

Jay on Wader Lake footpath 1

Grey heron on Wader Meadow 1

Woodpigeon on Wader Meadow 32

Hawthorn Wood feeding area:

Great-spotted woodpecker 1 male

Long-tailed tit 3

Treecreeper 1

Chaffinch 8

Bullfinch 4

Greenfinch 1

Goldfinch 1

Robin 1

Coal tit 1

Blue tit 3

The Lookout feeding station:

Great tit 3

Blue tit 2

Bullfinch 7

Chaffinch 5

Greenfinch 1

Blue tit 2

Other species noted:

Tufted duck on the reservoir 11

(River Wear):

Cormorant 2

Black-headed gull 25

Carrion crow 1

Grey heron 1

Mallard 8

Plus Bloody Brittlegill fungi on the west of the reserve

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