Wildlife Sightings - 28/06/2024

Weather = Sunny / Windy

River Tide Level = High

Wader Lake Species

Sand Martin - 28

Avocet - 19

Common Turn - 40

Black-Headed Gull - 156 + 4 (J)

Shelduck - 4 + 18 (J)

Teal - 3 (M) 3 (F)

Mullard - 10

Oystercatcher - 4

Redshank - 17

Lapwing - 6

Black Tailed godwit - 2

Greylag Goose - 4 + 5 (J)

Hawthorn Wood Feeding Station

Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1(F) + 1 (J)

Blue Tit - 2

Great Tit - 3 + 4(J)

Coal Tit - 1 + 1(J)

Goldfinch - 3 +1 (J)

Greenfinch - 2

Chaffinch - 1(M) 1(F)

Bullfinch - 1(M) 1(F)

Tree Creeper - 1

Robin - 1 + 1(J)

Bird Species Around Sight

Grey Heron - Heronry - 5

Shelduck - River Wear - 2 + 2(J)

Herring Gull - River Wear - 50

Jay - The Lookout - 1

Great Spotted Woodpecker - The Lookout - 1 (J)


Roe Deer Kid - Saline Footpath

Flora / Fungi

Common Vetch

Self Heal

Herb Robert

Oxdye Daisy

Knap Weed

Dirds Foot Trefoil

Lesser Trefoil

Red and White Clover

Orange Hawkweed

Meadow Buttercup


Red Campio

Forget -Me- Knot

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