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Dragonfly ponds

This little corner of the reserve is the perfect place to sit and enjoy some of the smaller species that make our wetlands their home. You don’t need to know all their names to enjoy watching them going about their day.

In spring some of the first dragonfly species start to emerge, shortly followed by the more delicate formed damselflies. Listen to warblers singing from the reeds and the call of the cuckoo across the washes.

In summer a larger variety of dragonflies take to the wing and are joined by butterflies and bees. Also look out for caterpillars crawling along the ground or on the vegetation.

At the start of autumn young birds are starting to think about flying South so are busily building up their reserves, watch swallows and house martins over head swooping through the air. The last of the dragonflies, vibrant red darters are often basking on any sundrenched surface.