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All roads open. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed due to crane and swan activity on these wetlands and close to the perimeter trail.

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Breeding bird surveys begin

WE-Breeding bird survey Lady Fen April 2016 (47) low resOver the next three months the reserve team will be busy recording and monitoring all the breeding bird activity on our wetlands.

This morning saw the start of the first breeding bird survey (BBS), and what a wonderful start to the season.  Not a breath of wind, sunny and cool; even the low mist didn't hang around for too long.

Highlights included a pair of garganey on Lady Fen, male garganey on the reserve, drumming snipe, little ringed plover and 95 avocet.  Three pair of mute swans were out on Lady Fen, one of which had built an impressive nest ready for egg-laying.  Plenty of shoveler to start nest recording, with pairs of gadwall and tufted ducks on the pools of water.  Corn bunting, skylark, meadow pipit and reed bunting all added to the atmosphere with their songs.

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