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All roads open. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed due to crane and swan activity on these wetlands and close to the perimeter trail.

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Daisy Clarke is the first GPS tagged Bewick's swan to arrive at WWT Welney

Migration mapThe first GPS tagged Bewick's swan has arrived back in the UK this week. Daisy Clarke touched down in the early hours of Monday morning, having flown across The North Sea from The Netherlands.  She has been roosting in front of our Lyle and Friends hides, so now is probably the best chance to see her whilst water levels remain low. Our team of media volunteers will be trying to catch up with her so that we can give you more updates soon.

Bewick's swans have been seen from all hides during the day alongside plenty of whooper swans, with fantastic flights in of large flocks at dusk daily. We don't know how long conditions will stay as they are so best not to miss out and visit the reserve soon!

Daisy Clarke being tagged in January 2015
Daisy Clarke being tagged in January 2015

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