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All roads open. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed due to crane and swan activity on these wetlands and close to the perimeter trail.

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Great white egrets

Great white egret by David Owen

Great white egrets are head and shoulders....and body above the little egrets. Look out for them on the pools and ditches throughout the reserve. This afternoon (Thurs 20 April) we had five visible at once; four on Lyle hide pool and one on Lady Fen.

These giant herons are relative newcomers to the UK, WWT Welney is one of the best places to get great views of them year round. Their large size is a key identification feature to look out for. In breeding season their bills turn black, like the little egret, but their legs turn pink at the top and black from their 'ankle' to their toes. At least one individual still has the yellow bill of a non-breeding individual.

Footage by: Bob Ellis
Edited by: Bob Ellis

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