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Joy at rare wading bird success

Black-tailed godwit pair fencing by Jon Reeves
Black-tailed godwit pair fencing by Jon Reeves

The successful fledging of eight black-tailed godwit chicks at WWT Welney is the highlight of a brilliant, if at times unusual, breeding season.

‘Gary’ the godwit with his two females, alongside the two ‘traditional’ pairs of birds, have worked hard to produce the next generation.  These birds will stay on the reserve until autumn, when they will make their migration south to Africa.

These chicks add to those already fledged from 126 pairs of lapwing and 68 pairs of redshank and will shortly be followed by the 35 avocet chicks that are teetering on take-off!

It has been three years since there were last black-tailed godwits chicks taking to the skies above WWT Welney.  So the sight of them now testing their wings, is a very welcome one this summer.

In addition, we've had 24 pairs of snipe breeding on the reserve and 5 pairs of little ringed plover.  Although the snipe like to keep themselves hidden away, the little ringed plover on the main lagoon have been parading their chicks for everyone to see!

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