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Access possible direct from Littleport or Denver Sluice/Ten Mile Bank. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed for breeding season - due to re-open July. Wetland views from the cafe until then.


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Make the most of longer opening hours this winter

The days may be shorter but did you know we're open longer in winter?

As the days shorten and temperatures drop the temptation to snuggle down and cosy up indoors in a sort of mock hibernation can be strong. Yet the need for natural light and fresh air is never stronger than in winter. It helps that this season is filled with beauty and uplifting scenes if you know where to look. At Welney we give you more opportunities to explore during winter with longer opening hours to make the most of this incredible season. Winter wildlife and wetland scenes book-ended by stunning sunrises (selected dates), Fenland sunsets or illuminated swans at weekends mean there are so many ways to connect with nature at the time of year we need it the most.

Autumn is often the time of year best known for changing colours and rich tones, but long after woodlands have dropped their leaves; reeds, willows and mammals of wetlands hold on to earthy shades whilst birds bring a splash of colour and brightness to our eyes. Add to that the sounds of the landscape and we have an incredibly immersive experience to share.

Winter highlights

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Swan feed by Steve Jones

For some of us seeing a particular species or spectacle is our sign that winter has truly arrived. The team at Welney love to share our fantastic wetland site with visitors, pointing out the best spots to see star species or where to venture for seasonal surprises. Being most famous for the winter swan migration many of our activities help you connected with this magical experience. Commentated swan feeds at 12noon and 3.30pm each day through winter give you a chance to learn about our resident mute swans as well as the whooper and Bewick’s swans that return to the Fens each winter. The plentiful food from the arable harvest and safety of wetland roosts is what draws them back each year. Some of the whoopers appreciate the extra food we provide, especially when temperatures fall. The main hide is a great place to see mute and whooper swans a bit closer to really appreciate these incredible birds. The heated hide, open wing hides and ground level viewing basement give a variety of ways to enjoy the sights and sounds of the main lagoon.

Top tip: The changing water levels of winter alters the mix of birds to be enjoyed from the hides so no two visits are the same. Lower water levels allow for a variety of wading birds as well as grazing and dabbling ducks, whereas more water is better for diving ducks.

Don’t just take our word for it – our star wetlands and key species have attracted the attention of national TV from Countryfile, A Wild Year (2020) and Winterwatch (2022).

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Hare by Georgette Taylor

You might appreciate going out into the wetlands with a guide for another immersive experience, join our hare walks at 2pm on Thursdays and Saturdays in search of wetland wildlife and the chance to ask more about Welney. Everyone is welcome, and with limited numbers the experience is more intimate, so booking is advised through the website.

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Floodlit swans by Simon Stirrup

At weekends you can enjoy commentated floodlit swan feeds in the evenings. The lights on the main hide come on at dusk and keep the lagoon illuminated until early evening. Arrive anytime up until 6pm and venture across the footbridge to the hide ready for the commentary and feeding at 6.30pm.You may have enjoyed seeing swans during the day, but more swans return to the wetlands to roost overnight. The flock roosting on the main hide are offered grain one last time before darkness falls until morning. Before the feed the swans glide on the water, preening or drinking since coming in from the fields. Activity increases during the feed and the birds are mesmerising as they jostle for space and grain. Once the feed has taken place, birds continue to feed until they begin to move away from the hide to choose a preferred spot to roost in safety.

Embrace the outdoors, scenes to keep you present

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Visitors birdwatching by Becs Greenaway

Winter weather can be the most dramatic and changeable. And it’s precisely this that can make us feel alive. One day it can be balmy and still, and then overnight, the last traces of autumn are suddenly replaced by a frost and bone-chilling cold. The beauty of a wetland centre like Welney is you can wrap up and make the most of the season knowing that the comforts of a heated hide and visitor centre with café and facilities are not far away.

Weekdays tend to be quieter at Welney in terms of people, so a more relaxed visit is possible where you can really make the most of the peace and calm wetlands can offer. A walk around wetlands give the opportunity to recuperate whilst also getting some physical exercise. You don’t need to know every species of wetland wildlife to connect with and enjoy it, but if you want to learn more and share highlights from your day the welcoming team of staff and volunteers are only too happy to help. You might enjoy sitting in on one of our commentated swan feeds, or chatting with us in the visitor centre whilst you warm up. Or you may want to lose yourself in the movements of water, the breeze in the reeds, and the crunch of crisp grass after a cold frost. Sharing these experiences with friends or family can give you time and space to recharge as we make our way through winter.

The most comfortable winter experience


For those lucky enough to live close to Welney, you might be able to enjoy a wetland connection on a more regular basis. Dropping in to use the café and taking in the fantastic views whilst enjoying delicious food and drink could be the mid-week boost you need. During winter the warming soups, pies and coffees as well as cakes, scones, teas and hot chocolates could be just the treat you need to keep you motivated and refreshed.

Whether making a short visit or a full day out, enjoy the comforts of a visit to Welney. From the café and facilities of the visitor centre to the heated main hide and ease of access, we aim to have your needs covered for a worry-free experience.

Check our whats on page for ideas of events and activities to make the most of your winter visit.

Ready to visit?

If you are inspired to explore the wetlands of Welney, find out the essential information and book your visit online.

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